Sunday, May 17, 2009

Violence in Karachi

In response to an article in the Pakistan Daily Who plans to open Karachi front? In Karachi there were twenty-five killed from cars being torched this past Wednesday. There was no clear reason why the violence happened and there have been investigations as to who is behind the attacks. There is suspicion that the land mafia was responsible. There is also debate over whether the attacks were supposed to create political tension between the two political parties. There have been investigations ordered by the Prime Minister, but nothing has been resolved yet. With all the violence that is happening in the Swat Valley Pakistan has their hands full enough. More violence is not good for the stability of the country. The authority of the government is being questioned with these attacks as well. They did not take immediate action and therefore have their authority in question. There are many possibilities for these actions and the sooner the Pakistani government gets to the bottom of it and takes action the better.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, they do have their hands full. Hopefully they can figure out how to stabalize their country internally and handle the Tliban at the same time.
