Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pakistan could be saved by 'going green'

The article "Village electrification through solar energy" shows a great way that Pakistan could take care of some of its problems. The Alternative Energy Development Board in Pakistan has made solar energy powered plants throughout Pakistan estimated to effect over 6968 cities. By making these solar energy powered plants it will reduce Pakistan's dependency on fossil fuels. This is extremely important in Pakistan right now because the cost of energy has sky rocketed recently in Pakistan causing shortages of energy all over the country. Not only is this idea great because the use of fossil fuels will decrease but also the operation and maintenance cost is minimal compared to that of conventional power plants, and Pakistan can now avoid the risk of future electricity cost. The average sun duration is 8-8.5 hours a day in Pakistan, who's values are among the highest in the world. Pakistan needs to take advantage of solar technologies to meet the challenge of its electricity deficit.

1 comment:

  1. This seems like such a great solution, it would be great to see Pakistan actually put this alternative energy sources in place!
