In response to an article in the Pakistan Daily Who plans to open Karachi front? In Karachi there were twenty-five killed from cars being torched this past Wednesday. There was no clear reason why the violence happened and there have been investigations as to who is behind the attacks. There is suspicion that the land mafia was responsible. There is also debate over whether the attacks were supposed to create political tension between the two political parties. There have been investigations ordered by the Prime Minister, but nothing has been resolved yet. With all the violence that is happening in the Swat Valley Pakistan has their hands full enough. More violence is not good for the stability of the country. The authority of the government is being questioned with these attacks as well. They did not take immediate action and therefore have their authority in question. There are many possibilities for these actions and the sooner the Pakistani government gets to the bottom of it and takes action the better.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Long Term War
In response to article in the Pakistan Daily Pakistan Government Prepares For Long-term War. There has been considerable fighting in the North West Frontier Province because of the Taliban’s presence there. Many have been fled from the area, more than 670,000 people have been displaced. The Pakistani government has been fighting the terrorists in the Swat Valley with the upmost intensity. The war zone itself is very dangerous and is off limits to many. The army spokesman, Major General Athar Abbas, has said that there is success in how the military operations were unfolding. There are many refugees to be worried about but currently the government is concerned with their war on terror. They have set up refugee camps, and such to help out the displaced citizens and there has been an increase in police forces in the region. The Swat Valley is a conflict that does not have an easy resolution. The government, backed by the U.S. is prepared for a long-term war. The terrorists have a stronghold on the region, and have already caused much destruction. The Pakistani government is trying its hardest to have a quick and successful resolution to this conflict as possible. Although they are realizing now this is a complex problem with no clear end in sight.
Facts in Number of Water Shortage in Pakistan
Supply in million gallons of water a day=62
Water tankers=51
Out of service tanks=15
Requests for tankers per day=500
Expected pull of water per minute in gallons by tanker= 400-500
Actual pull of water per minutes in gallons by tanker=40-50
Looking at these numbers you could tell that water shortage was a big problem for the people of Pakistan. We are not familiar with water tankers, but it is pretty much a delivery service of water. With requests as high as 500 a day, it was obviously impossibly to fill the demand. Imagine having to rely on a delivery service to acquire water. Even though the tankers are used mostly for agricultural crops, it is still outrageous.
American Outages= Candles | Pakistan Outages= Self-generators

Pakistan could be saved by 'going green'
The president may be no help.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Pakistani Government Swat Valley Involvement
In response to the article in the Pakistani newspaper The Dawn, Cabinet endorses military action in Swat by Iftikhar A. Khan. The Pakistani Federal Cabinet decided this Saturday that the peace agreements with the Swat Valley Taliban were not working. They claimed that the Islamic militants were doing un-Islamic and inhumane actions, such as killings and abductions. The Pakistani government concluded that they would endorse military actions. They stated that it won’t be easy due to the guerilla military style of warfare which their opponents are using. They called for the Provincial government to be vigilant and for the country to back their decision and stand up against these extremists. This is tremendous news for the country of Pakistan. The government is sending a message to the Insurgents in the Swat Valley that what they are doing is unlawful and needs to be stopped. They also sent a very clear message that although they claim to be Islamic they are not acting in accordance to Islamic law. The Pakistani government has an enormous internal struggle ahead of them, but in passing this legislation they are sending a clear message that they will not sit by and watch any wrongdoings in their country.